Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Desperate Is To Desperate?

A man who has Colon Cancer, just recently found out he only has a few months to live and is finding out a way to make money. Would you like to know what he is doing? Well, he is selling advertising space on his urn. He hopes to raise at least 800$ in order to pay for his cremation. He has already made 100$ due to a friend. He plans on hand painting the advertisements on his urn. I thought this story was interesting, thinking how some of us seem to think we have it really hard. Yet, this man knowing he is about to die, is still thinking of ways to live. Also helping his family by finding a way to make money to help. I felt like this was motivation to me. I feel like I under go alot of difficult situations, then I read about people like this that make me only want to try harder. I hope this gives someone else that motivation also. Until then....

1 comment:

  1. This poor man is an example of the state of affairs, sad as it is, of our country and its more plain and simple residence.
    If this poor man, diagnosed with colon cancer, had a celebrity for a relative, or if our health care system worked as it should, as it does in let's say Canada, Germany, or the U.K., this poor gentleman could, at least, enjoy the simple things in life, like his family, the outdoors, or whatever his pleasures are, instead of worrying about how to pay for his final expenses, advertising on his own urn! Just when you think you've heard it all ... ...
    If this isn't sad, I don't know what sad is, and believe me, this is. If any one from the new health-care is reading this, you're help for our more modest citizens can't come fast enough ...
    Such as it is, the sad state of affairs of our country, from the bottom up ...
    Peace, as always,
