Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Great Is Our President?

I thought this was really neat and something so great that is beyond comparison to any of our other presidents. This made a HUGE impression to everyone I'm sure. Its hard to think that a President would do something like this with so little time. A young girl who was a 5Th grader from Philadelphia was being bullied at school. She knew she needed to fix her situation but wasn't getting the help she needed. So, she reached out to the President of the U.S. Asking him for help. President Obama then wrote out to the young girl give her some words of encouragement! Is this the first time he has ever reached out to the younger generation? No....

There was another young girl from GREEN BAY, Wisconsin. The father ,John Corpus, stood to ask Obama about health care during the president's town hall style meeting at Southwest High School on Thursday June 11,2009. He told President Obama that his daughter was missing school to attend the event and that he hoped she didn't get in trouble. What did President Obama do? Well he wrote her a personal note to her teacher from President Barack Obama. Excusing her from class the day of the event.


  1. oh! WoW! A note from President to miss school! Thats just great!

  2. I just wish it would of happened to me when I was in school! haha

  3. And then he sent drones around the world to take care of other little kids yaaaay
