Some people couldn't be more dumb. Did you hear about the kid who broke into the furniture store in Washington and got caught? Well, the reason he did was because after he got inside and took the things he wanted he decided to get on their company computer. After surfing through some porn and checking on some other stolen goods he had for sale online, he decided to login to his MySpace account.
MySpace was able to release all this users records so that police knew exactly who he was and this led to his immediate arrest and was charged with first degree burgulary. It seems to me that social media really is tracing every step we make. If he would have never used the computer, he probably would have never got caught at all. Tell me your thoughts on this subject. I'd like to hear them!
The Internet print is getting hotter and hotter y the minute, if I come and visit ur blog, simple-free s/w is available that would make my location available to you too. So world and information is making real life of all transparent as we go on living - virtual life.