'Lady GaGa' is at the moment, the worlds sensation. Has she gone to far though? Her new video with 'Beyonce' of 'Telephone' after being released just three days after, the video received over 14 million hits! Now its over 23 million hits. The video has been described as 'soft porn' in the very beginning of this music video. Many parents are horrified by this video showing how violence, lesbianism and porn is ok for our youth. Other people feel that its extremely explicit and raunchy. Is this what our youth is looking up to? I understand how parents may feel this way, if I had children I wouldn't let them watch this video. As of 'Lady Gaga,' do you think she is choosing violence, lesbianism and porn just to get her records sold? Some describe the video as edgy, sexy, and refreshing. So if you like it then that's all that matters she has accomplished her goal. Do you think 'Beyonce' was trying to hard to be something or someone else shes not? Seemed that way to me. We expect this type of thing with 'Lady GaGa' but with 'Beyonce'? There both very talented singers but was this video used in the right way? From a business stand point I would have to say yes. I think it was. It is classified as entertainment and that's exactly what both these singers were wanting to do with there audience. The strange part to me about the whole situation is that they each made a video off of this 'Telephone' song. If you have not seen either one of thses videos, check them out and let me know what you think? I would LOVE to read others comments on this subject!
Its the choice of next generation, and the current generation of parents are going to go old, will hold some cultural preference/taboos and die out, while market will be of next generation each generation, each generation will hold its own limits and values, that's how civilization has progressed over generations. Some things have survived test of transitions and others have not.