Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What are our rights for flying?
Well on a plane flight to Denver, CO. There was one guy going to see what his rights really were. He went to lay back his seat and the man behind him didnt like that and wanted the space to be on his laptop. The guy thought he had the right to have the other sit up so he can do his work while on the plane. What happened? Well, they both didnt want to budge what they thought they had the right in. So, it ended up in a punch fight during the flight! Both guys were then thrown off the flight when it landed in Denver. Although only one guy got removed from that airline the other continued to fly that day through the same company just on a different flight.
Do you think this was right? Do you think, that when we fly we have the right to use the features provided to us through that airline?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Did Google Take a Picture of a Corpse on Google Street View?
We all have heard of how Google gets snap shots to put on the internet for street views. Well has Google gone to far? Check out this picture of this girl in London who is lying face down on the street view of Google maps picture. I thought it was crazy they would put this on there and not remove it. I wonder how many other pictures like this one has gotten on the Google maps. Well, Worried residents contacted the other sources and newspapers, attempting to find out if it was evidence of a murder or hit n run accident! Is she dead?
Apparently not! Her mother told the newspapers that her daughter was only playing a prank when the driver took pictures for Google passed by and shot the picture. The daughter told the newspapers that " she feel over while playing with her friend and thought it would be funny to play like she was dead".
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Who Likes Chicken Nuggets?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tree Hotel IN Sweden!
I thought it was impossible, Some thought it couldn't be done, while others thought it would be a death trap for birds. What am I talking about here? Well, This would be describing the glass house which is 40 miles south of the Arctic Circle in Sweden. It seems to be pretty much invisible, unless you know where to look. It has been mirrored on the outside of it. While also being Eco friendly! This is not a house, It has been called by the co-owner, named Kent Lindvall, the Tree Hotel. It has heated floors. Also an incineration toilet. When you stay at this Tree Hotel you will be offered different nature paths to hike. Staying in this place while on vacation gives you a chance to see nature how it "really is". Don't worry, for those who are wondering about the birds, they have applied a special coat on the outside of the mirrors to let them be able to know there is something there.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
How Great Is Our President?
There was another young girl from GREEN BAY, Wisconsin. The father ,John Corpus, stood to ask Obama about health care during the president's town hall style meeting at Southwest High School on Thursday June 11,2009. He told President Obama that his daughter was missing school to attend the event and that he hoped she didn't get in trouble. What did President Obama do? Well he wrote her a personal note to her teacher from President Barack Obama. Excusing her from class the day of the event.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Would You Die For A WII Game System?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Women Stuck Under Fridge For 4 Days!
First of all, I had no idea this could actually happen! I thought there was something to keep them from doing that like a so called design. The real question is however, How did she remain stuck underneath it for 4 days?? During the 4 days she was falling in and out of consciousness and her back was cut up by glass. She had tried to throw a bag of frozen peas out the window to break the glass so someone could hear her. With no success, she was stuck.
Finally, A man who was canvassing a political campaign went knocking on doors, heard a women crying for help. With her helping him to find a way in, He opened a sliding door and saw her trapped all the way up to her thighs under the fridge. He then helped her and contacted 911 to make sure she was going to be ok. Yes, she lived to tell this story to her family as this will live on for generations to come...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Dont have insurance, Heres what you do!
Two weeks later, she decided to take measures into her own hands. She then took two ice packs, placed them on the front and back of her shoulder, tied them off, put pillows around her, put the gun to the top of her shoulder and pulled the trigger. This sounds crazy though right? Well she thought that if she shot herself then the hospital would take care of the rest. She was taken to the hospital but her wound was not serious. They took care of it and sent her home with in 24 hours.
Here is the video:
Monday, June 14, 2010
Looking for love, Call 911 !!
A women named Scott. Decided to call 911 thinking they could help her find love. Asking them to find her a husband! She called 911 five times in just an hours time. This is what she said exactly when calling 911:
Scott: Get me that husband.
911 Dispatcher: You need to get a husband?
Scott: Yes.
911 Dispatcher: You're calling 911 to get a husband? Do you know you can get arrested for dialing 911?
Scott: Let's do it.
911 Dispatcher: You want to get arrested for dialing 911?
Scott: Absolutely.
Soon after this phone call, Police located her and arrested her on a class four misdemeanor. She then stayed in prison for 3 days. What made her want to do this? She said she had one to many drinks is what she told the news. Have you heard any stories similar to this one?
Monday, June 7, 2010
2 Year Old Has Smoking Habit
I was talking to a friend who was telling me about this story, I was so surprised, that I decided to do my own research into this story to make sure it was real. This is about a 2 year old smoking! Yes, a 2 year old boy that smokes 40 cigarettes a day! Hes so addicted to it that when he does not get his cigarettes he begins to throw temper tantrums. The sad thing to me, is that his own father says that hes not worried about his sons health. "He looks healthy to me" The boys father said. This child is still in diapers! He started smoking when he was 18 months old. Not to mention his habit is costing his parents £3.78 a day. He seems like such a smart little boy to have wasted his skills on learning how to smoke. Sadly there is no child services in his country, to help him out from his smoking habit. What do you think about this, I would love to read your thoughts on this!
Here is the video I found:
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sink Hole Found!
Can you believe these pictures?? Its crazy to believe that these photos are real! According to reports in Guatemala, this sinkhole appeared after Agatha the tropical storm that hit Guatemala. Fortunately no one was killed in this incident. It is so big that it engulfed a 3 story building, and a home!
Yet this is not the first time this has happened. Another time was back in February of 07, where one showed up in a neighborhood killing 3 people. It was located in the Northeast part of Guatemala city. It was 100.5 meters deep in length. You might wonder if this one created it self on its own? or did man help it out? According to officials this one was created from a sewer that began to dissolve the rock underneath. Apparently to this can happen occasionally during major storms. I don't think I could live in a place were all of a sudden one could show up, and destroy your home maybe even with you in it! That's a scary thought.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Now I know most of you who read this will be shocked, as was I. Its hard to believe that something so small on your face could be this strong. I don't even want to think of what could happen if they didn't hold up to the task? You are probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, I'm talking about eyelids. There was a contest held in China over who has the strongest eyelids!! I must say, that I think this is crazy! Who would want to even try that to see if it would work? Well, Dong Changsheng has put people to Awe. He pulled a small plane with only his eyelids, which were held on to by 2 metal hooks with rope attached to the plane. He then pulled it 16 feet. Yet, imagine someone telling you after you just did it, that "it was nothing, watch this!" .... I would hate to be next. Until then...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The worst hail storm in Oklahoma in 30 years!!
Oklahoma is known for having tornado's. I'm sure most of you have heard that before. Well we had our biggest hail storm that we have had in over 30 years. There was so much hail that it looked like a snow storm. Cars were totaled. Homes were wrecked. There was even a man who was running out by a lake in Oklahoma City, when the storm hit. He was hurt really badly. With many bruises and skin abrasions to his back. It was brutal. We had hail the from the size of a pea to a soft ball. That day we also had 6 tornado's touch the ground. No deaths, but some injured. I have included pictures of the damage. Has anyone ever had a storm this bad?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Man looses part of finger!
How many people will do anything to have an Apple IPad? Well there was a man from Denver CO, who bought his IPad at the Apple store not long after he was forced to give it up. As he was walking out of the Apple store another man who came out of no where grabbed the bad out of the mans left hand. Which he had wrapped around his fingers because of the weight. Well the theft pulled and pulled until something had to give! When the bag was pulled the man lost part of his pinky. On the backside of his pinky, it was down to the bone, no skin left on it! He was in shock and grabbed napkins from a food vendor, to stop the bleeding. He did not purchase this IPad for himself but for a friend in Canada. I wonder what his reaction to this story would be like? The police have the serial number of the IPad and the security footage from the theft. They said they should be able to find the guy.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
A shocking stunt at a baseball game!
When you think you have seen it all... There will always be something that you haven't. I was reading about a 17 year old boy named Steve, who decided he was going to run on the baseball field during the Phillie's game! The high school senior jumped on to the field during the 7th inning, waving his white towel around to the amusement of fans. He was on the field only about 30 seconds, before he was then tased by the officer. He then fell face first into a slide to the ground. If that's not crazy enough, he actually called his dad right before he did it! As if he was getting the 'OK' to do it.
What has the boys parents so upset at? Well the parents feel that excessive force was used. Now police are investigating the situation, because tasers have been known to be fatal in some cases. Therefore the boy was lucky that he walked away from this scene. Yet tonight another man decided to try it, on the same field! Only this time this older gentlemen gave up before being tased. While the people watching the game booed. Do you think these guys were trying to be someone to remember? Wanting the attention? Or do you think this kid was lucky to only be tased and nothing more?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Here is the link:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How Desperate Is To Desperate?
Monday, April 19, 2010
Apple's Iphone 4G Gone??
Leave it to Apple to do it again, They are always coming out with something better then the older version. Now its the IPhone 4G. Or should I say it was..... This phone had been leaked out. It was Gizmodo, who got a hold of the unreleased iPhone. How exactly did he do that? Well, according to him, a 27 year old man who was in the Apple software engineer department apparently left it behind at a German beer garden in CA. Who would of thought? So what exactly is new about this IPhone you may wonder? It has a front facing camera and FLASH, also comes with a higher resolution screen. Instead of the rounded back it is now flat on both the front and back.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Dumbest Questions Asked On A Cruise Ship
1. A lady was complaining about how she kept hearing a helocopter all night long and could'nt get any sleep from it. When asked when she heard it. She responded that she was hearing it at night when it was picking up all the workers from the boat to go back. LOL
2. What time is the midnight buffet?? ugh.. HELLO!
3. Does this elevator go to the front of the boat?
4. A gentleman at the Spa, asked how small does your face have to be to have the mini facial?
5. Why don't they use salt water in the toilets? .....How do you know they don't?
6. Do the people who work on the boat actually sleep on the boat at night? .... naaa, a boat comes and gets them. Then WHO WOULD DRIVE THE BOAT?
For those out there who have heard other funny questions asked while on a cruise ship please leave it in your comment I would love to read them! In the mean time, let me know what you think about these. Until then...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Has Tiger Woods Gone To Far?
I have just seen the commercial for Nike, with Tiger Woods in it. To me it seemed odd. I didn't understand it. Why would they use Tiger's dead father to get him out of his situation or even try to make it sound better? They are implying that it was if Tiger's dad was telling him what he did wrong and how he felt it was wrong in his eyes as well. Like he was scolding him for what he did. What does it even have anything to do with Nike? If you ask me, I think it makes Nike look bad to an extent. What is it promoting? For those of you who haven't seen the commercial, I have provided a link at the bottom to view it from YouTube. All he does is stand there wearing the Nike symbols on his clothing while his dead father is speaking to him asking him questions... with no response from Tiger the whole time. Do you think this is going to hurt Nike any?
I know Tiger has started his Masters Tournament today, which he was successful. Everyone cheering him on each golf hole! His fans, and family were Supporting him all the way. That's my thoughts on the matter. Tell me yours, I would love to read them!
Here is the link to the commerical:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Women Tells 911 She Is A Drunk Diver
Seems to be surreal that someone would do something like this, telling on themselves for being a drunk driver! This makes me laugh every time I hear the video of a lady from Wisconsin telling on herself. I know that 911 had to think it was a particle joke at some time right? They did end up having her pull over and waiting till the EMS came and checked her out. She then was arrested and charged for being intoxicated while driving.
Another interesting story I found, about a 62 year old man who was also drunk driving! Only he was not driving a car.... He was arrested for driving a motorized lazy boy chair. His chair was powered by a converted lawnmower. It had a sound system and cup holders. He was charged with a .29 alcohol level which is 3 times more then what you can have in Minnesota. I love hearing about these crazy stories!
I want to know if there is anyone out there, that has had a funny story about being drunk? I would love to read them! Or simple let me know what you think of this post.
Here is the link to the video of the women drunk!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Too Fat For Jail?
Can you be too fat for Jail? There was a 600 pound Florida man who had been in trouble over five times for cheating fast food places as well as convenience stores out of money by making fraud claims.
For example, one time he brought in one gallon of ice cream and told a 7-11 clerk that he had 9 more at home and they were all damaged and bad and that he wanted his money back. The local government did not want to have to pay for his transportation to and from jail, as well as care for his health problems, so they struck a deal for him to plead no contest.
He did this and was able to get out on lower charges. He still had to spend his time in a nursing home on oxygen at the age of 38. So my question is, would you rather be in Jail or in a nursing home on oxygen? You be the judge to whats worse.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Man Breaks Into Church To Watch Porn
On March 10th in Ames, Iowa, a man was charged with second degree burglary charges because he broke into a church where he allegedly used the institution's electronic equipment to watch pornography! The police said the 55 year old man broke into the First Christian Church, where after he was done collecting all the items he wanted he then went down to the basement to spend the night there.
Friday the Churches staff called police to go see what has happened, there they found the man trying to haul away a garbage can filled with food, kitchen utensils, clothes, electronic equipment and a 26-inch flat screen television.
Police Cmdr. Mike Brennan said the man used the electronic equipment to watch pornographic movies that were found on him when he was arrested. He is now being held at the Story County Jail in lieu, at a $10,000 bond.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Parents Forgot About Children!
A lot of us have seen the movie 'Home Alone'. Its about an eight year old, who is accidentally left behind while his family flies to France for Christmas, He then has to defend his home against idiotic burglars. It seamlessly blends humor, pain, emotion, human instinct and some great booby traps all into one little bundle. This film has stood the test of time greatly. Who would of thought something like this would actually happen in real life though? Well here are couple stories from families who have left there children behind!
After birthday party, parents accidentally leave the birthday boy behind at the restaurant. Realizing their mistake after getting home, they frantically look for him 36 hours later! Seriously how can someone be so self centered to forget there child!
Another incident happened where a husband lost his wife at a theme park and instead of contacting her by phone or even asking for help. The man leaves his 4 month old baby in the bushes as he walks around for an hour trying to find her. You can't tell me this is normal ?? Seems like this last incident would of gotten the parents arrested for leaving there baby in the bushes?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
MySpace Helps Solve a Crime
Some people couldn't be more dumb. Did you hear about the kid who broke into the furniture store in Washington and got caught? Well, the reason he did was because after he got inside and took the things he wanted he decided to get on their company computer. After surfing through some porn and checking on some other stolen goods he had for sale online, he decided to login to his MySpace account.
MySpace was able to release all this users records so that police knew exactly who he was and this led to his immediate arrest and was charged with first degree burgulary. It seems to me that social media really is tracing every step we make. If he would have never used the computer, he probably would have never got caught at all. Tell me your thoughts on this subject. I'd like to hear them!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Frogs Predict Earthquakes?
Recently were I live in Oklahoma City, there have been small earthquakes taking place every few weeks. Not the ones that destroy buildings, but the ones that just shake your house a bit. Oklahoma is not widely known for earthquakes like California, but they definetely do happen here. The fault line that causes this is just a few miles from were I live so we feel them more than anyone. Well, with all these earthquakes happening here I tend to read a lot more when I see articles that talk about earth quakes. And earlier I found an article that said Toads can predict earthquakes. Its very interesting.
It mentioned that recently, some scientists may have documented proof that this foresight could be real. In the current issue of the Journal of Zoology, behavioral biologists Rachel Grant and Tim Halliday of the Open University report that large numbers of toads fled a breeding area five days before a magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck L'Aquila, Italy, in April 2009.
These scientist were doing a different study on toads. This particular study had taken place less than 40 miles from the epicenter of a large upcoming earthquake. The scientist started seeing the frogs disapearing during their study and couldn't figure out why. Well, five days later their was a large earthquake that measured 6.8.
Scientist noticed that the climate, temperature, and other things stayed the same. But, the toads still left. Although some speculate and say that no animal can sense natural disasters, others really think it can happen and study this daily. So I want to know what you think. Do you think animals can sense natural disasters?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Due to FarmVille, Council Member Voted Off!
Ok so we all know how addicting FarmVille can be on Facebook. For those of you who have not heard of it or played it before FarmVille is the most popular app on Facebook and winner of "Best Social Game" at the 2010 Game Developer Choice Awards. Games like it can be particularly addictive because of its real-time game mechanics. Crops are going to mature and even die whether or not players are logged in. If they want to maximize their yield, they better be ready to bring in their crops the second they're ready to harvest. Just how addicting can it be to Dimitar Kerin who was administrating the second-largest city in Bulgaria. He was voted off a committee assignment by the Plovdiv City Council for his inability to stop tending his virtual crops on the Facebook game during meetings. Yet he was not alone in his obsession! There were other council members having the same problem.
Council chairman Ilko Iliev had previously warned several of them that the new wireless network and laptops provided to all council members were not to be used for playing games on social media sites during budget meetings. Kerin was singled out for continuing to manage his farm and milk his cows despite the warnings. Kerin told them that he "needs more time for his virtual far," After this being said council member Todor Hristov made the proposal to oust Kerin. This is so funny to me, how can some seriously be so addicted to something like this? To where your whole life can be decided by a game!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Man Puts NASA To Shame!
A man named Robert Harrison spent approximately $747 dollars to put NASA to shame! NASA with a budget of a billion dollars must have been embarrassed! They called Robert and asked him how he did it? They were thinking he actually made a rocket to retrieve pictures of this quality in space. Of course how Robert did it may seem hard to believe that something so extravagant could be so simple! Here's how he did it. He put a camera into a polystyrene box and attached it to a helium balloon. The camera was programmed to snap 8 photos and a short video every five minutes. When the balloon reached an altitude of 22 miles, it popped. As the camera fell, a parachute opened and the box gently floated back to earth. Robert found his camera some 50 miles from his home with the help of a GPS locator. I have to say it got me thinking, how did NASA not know to try this?! Don't you wish our government would of hired this guy Robert Harrison instead of NASA? This would of saved us a lot of tax dollars!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Lady GaGa and Beyonce Bring it on!
'Lady GaGa' is at the moment, the worlds sensation. Has she gone to far though? Her new video with 'Beyonce' of 'Telephone' after being released just three days after, the video received over 14 million hits! Now its over 23 million hits. The video has been described as 'soft porn' in the very beginning of this music video. Many parents are horrified by this video showing how violence, lesbianism and porn is ok for our youth. Other people feel that its extremely explicit and raunchy. Is this what our youth is looking up to? I understand how parents may feel this way, if I had children I wouldn't let them watch this video. As of 'Lady Gaga,' do you think she is choosing violence, lesbianism and porn just to get her records sold? Some describe the video as edgy, sexy, and refreshing. So if you like it then that's all that matters she has accomplished her goal. Do you think 'Beyonce' was trying to hard to be something or someone else shes not? Seemed that way to me. We expect this type of thing with 'Lady GaGa' but with 'Beyonce'? There both very talented singers but was this video used in the right way? From a business stand point I would have to say yes. I think it was. It is classified as entertainment and that's exactly what both these singers were wanting to do with there audience. The strange part to me about the whole situation is that they each made a video off of this 'Telephone' song. If you have not seen either one of thses videos, check them out and let me know what you think? I would LOVE to read others comments on this subject!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Marijuana Going Legal In California
California residents will be voting this year to decide whether marijuana should be legal and used to raise nearly $1.4 billion in state revenue. I'm not sure how many people know this or not but research shows that California is 24.3 billion dollars in debt. With weed being legal it would provide more jobs and more taxes would then be collected. If approved it will allow an individual to possess no more than one ounce, as long as they were over the age of 21. It would also allow an individual to operate a grow room for personal consumption, but the room can be no bigger than five foot by five foot. Yet, despite the harms of marijuana, politicians persist in imposing and upholding marijuana prohibition, because these politicians are not working for the people, they are working for the corporate executives who financed their campaigns. In other words they don't care if it is hurting someone as long as they are getting paid for it.
Top three reported uses of medicinal marijuana:
40% Chronic Pain
22% AIDS-Related
15% Mood Disorders
(23% All other categories)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Do We Spend To Much Time For The Opposite Sex?
The first part of this post goes out to all the ladies!
I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about all the crazy things girls do. First off they said that girls will look at themselves in the mirror and talk or think about how they look. They will do this two times every hour! Women spend 136 days of their lives getting ready for a night out. They spend about half an hour washing and styling their hair followed by 20 minutes applying make-up and 15 minutes applying nail varnish. Heather Boden from Skinbliss, said: "These figures come as no surprise considering the pressure that today's women are under just to make themselves look good." Do you think men really know what women go through? A survey of 1,000 women also showed that 67% thought that the time spent getting ready was actually a chore. Today women spend 3,276 hours over their lifetimes putting on make up and getting dressed, while men only devote 1,092 hours to looking their best. Do you agree with this? Do you think we spend to much time on our selves then men deserve lol
Would you like to know about men??
Well, between the ages of 8-18, 59–73% use there video game controller on an average day. A study of 562 people between the ages of 19–90 living in the Seattle-Tacoma area, 45.1% said they played video games regularly. For those men who do shave, if you spent 3 minutes per day shaving, 6 days a week, from the age of 18 to 72, you would spend 50,544 minutes or 842.4 hours which would be just over 35 days. Also a study of nearly 1,000 middle school students were asked to rate the different ways they use their cell phone on a five point scale, from zero meaning "Never" to 5 meaning "Several Times a Day." The study found that boys scored higher than girls for using their cell phones to play games, share pictures and videos. Alot of guys out there must love playing video games. Interesting statistics... What do you think?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Las Vegas Selling Booze At Airport!
Las Vegas or as others know this place as 'Sin City' is now going to sell booze in there airport, the McCarran International Airport to be exact. This airport is the main one in downtown Las Vegas. It has been hurting for awhile now but due to numbers and revenue being so low they have thought this will be an incentive for flyer's.
Why would there airport revenues be so low you might ask? Well this particular airport has removed smoking access. Therefore there gambling is down as well. The idea would make the Vegas airport the first in the nation to offer such a service, so in turn this would help bring flyer's back into there airport. According to airport officials, visitors who go to Las Vegas often have their cab or limo driver stop at a local liquor store anyway, so why not make access to booze even easier? Could this be a bad idea? Well one county commissioner is not thrilled about the concept, He said this,
"What's next? Airport strip clubs? Topless bars? Is that appropriate for county property? I mean, that's 'out-of-the-box' thinking, too." Would there not be any concern that the baggage claim area is a place where people of all ages go while waiting on there baggage? There would be children involved in this decision. I mean at least clubs or bars when you are home you can leave your children with a sitter or family and go alone but at an airport what will they do? Would you be inclined to drag them into this atmosphere? Then again, Las Vegas isn't really kid friendly.
This liquor store is still in its early stages, and the commissioners are expected to vote on the matter this month. Yet, the airport has already determined that the store would be legal.This a good thing or bad?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Theme Park Hires Midgets, Terrorist Attack With Midgets.
120 little people live in a village near Kunming, China. The village was set up to protect the dwarf's from discrimination. You can’t live there if you are over 4 feet 3 inches tall. Now the group has turned itself into a tourist attraction by building mushroom houses and living and dressing like fairy tale characters.
When entrepreneur Chen Mingjing put out a call last year for China’s little people to come live in the park he was building, he quickly got more than 100 applicants, none taller than the cut-off height of 4 feet, 3 inches.“People accuse me of exploiting them,” Mingjing told NBC News’ “But we’ve given them a home.”
A shocking scene witnessed by many, where a group of midgets stormed in and overtook Six Flags Amusement Park in St. Louis. Some are claiming that it was a terrorist attack by midgets simply because there from international countries from around the world. The midget group called themselves "It's Not A Small World After All," and were demanding that all height requirements for amusement rides be abolished. "Our great people have endured systemic and systematic discrimination because of the height requirements. We are sick of only being able to ride the tea cups, spider, and Ferris wheels. Amusement parks across the country make us hang out with little kids in there kid friendly sections. We will no longer tolerate persecution." I have to say that I understand why they would feel this way. I mean if I was a little person I would be bummed that I couldn't do everything that every one else was doing? At the same time rather, the rule was only made for there protection. What do you think about it?
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Affiliate Meet Up In Oklahoma
At around 5pm a party bus arrived to take us to dinner at Boulevard Steakhouse. After we loaded back up in the party bus and went down to Brick Town, we enjoyed bowling with drinks at the RedPin. Later the party bus took everyone back to there cars where some left but others continued to keep the party going. I have talked with others at my work, where they said they want to make this an annual event. It was alot of fun and Hey!, I wouldn't mind doing this once a year. haha
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sandra Bullock's Husband Had An Affair
Its official and out in the open to the public. 40 Year Old Jesse James gave a public apology to Sandra Bullock and his children for Cheating. He said “It’s because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way, This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.” Wednesday night, People ran a story claiming a source told the magazine the actress had left the home she shares with James. He was then photographed taking his kids to school on Thursday, followed by the paparazzi.
Are you wondering what the girl looked like that he allegedly cheated on Sandra Bullock with? Well I was, so I did some research about her. Her whole body is covered in tattoos. Her name is Michelle McGee. She is 24 years old, and completely the polar opposite of Sandra's class act. Apparently Jesse went for this type of girl in past as well. His ex-wife is the nurse chick from Blink 182's video/cd.
On Michelle’s personal web page, she introduces herself with, “Hi Boys, I’m Michelle Bombshell the busty tattoo goddess of your dreams. I’m 90% covered in the most artistic tats ever, head to toe. Except for my DD boobs! I am the hottest busty tattoo and fetish model you will ever meet on a webcam. Come have a hot and steamy affair with inked girls like me on live video.” Classy!
She adds, “With all these tats, you might think I was a big partier. Sure, I get really wild in the sack with my men, but I’m actually a graduate student in college looking for the right sugardady to teach me and be my sexy mentor. If you like big boobs and tattoos, mine will be the perfect fit. I’m working on my Masters Degree in Bio-chemistry in the Cal State system and already have my BS in biology.” (Yeah, we smell BS alright!) “I finished two years of medical school – they didn’t like my forehead tat so much! Now, I especially love to have affairs with doctors. Their medical talk makes me hot! I love to be challenged, and I love to put know-it-all doctors in their place. Want a LIVE anatomy show and tell? If you like fit chicks with big boobs and tattoos, you will find no hotter live American cam girl in the world!
Michelle said she asked Jesse about his relationship with Sandra, and he responded, “She doesn’t live here. She has a house in Austin. She is filming, and I can’t talk about it.” Taking that as an open invitation to swoop in on Sandra’s hubby, Michelle and James supposedly had an 11-month “highly charged” affair. What do you think about this? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Jessica Simpson Plans On Having A Baby!
Jessica Simpson has new plans in store! She says she plans to have kids with her gay best friend and hairdresser Ken Paves. This is if she fails to settle down and have a baby by the age of 40. "I can't wait to have kids... Honestly, if I don't have kids by the time I'm 40, my best friend Ken Paves and I are going to have children
. Why not?," quoted Simpson as saying. Paves admits he isn't as patient as his best pal as he wants to be a dad before he hits the milestone."I'm ready now! I've been trying to convince her to do it before I turn 40, which is two years," said Paves. Do you think she should do that? Have kids while not married? I think its nice that she wants to have kids. I think its a blessing to have them. Although at the same time, I feel that there should be a father and a mother raising a child. I think they need to have both sides in the upbringing of the relationship. Unless the family isn't together anymore. At the same time I have seen many single parents raise there children and they do a wonderful job. Most say that its really hard to only have one to do everything for the child whereas if you have both married then you can share different responsibilities in taking care of the child.